Create an account

Create an account

First, did you download and install Gyazo? This is required to create an account, but an account itself is not required to use the service.

This page will introduce you how to create a Gyazo account for personal use.
For information on how to create an account for Gyazo Teams, see Add new members to Gyazo Teams.

How to create a Gyazo account

1. After downloading the app, launch it and capture at least one image. Read this page to see how to upload captures.
Right after you capture the first image, you will see the tutorial. Please read through it.

2. After you close the tutorial, it will show the captured image.

3. Please click Sign up for free at the top of the screen, or sign up using the form under the image.

When you click Sign up for free you'll see this page:

Please fill in the required information and click Sign up for free again.
This information can be changed in your settings page at any time after you log in.

Note: Linking at least one device is required to create an account. If you close this window, you'll go back to the previous page where you can click Sign up for free to return to this step.
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