Viewer Rankings

Viewer Rankings

There are different Viewer Rankings for different groups of viewers.
Certain requirements must be met to be included in Viewer Rankings.

(1) All Viewer Rankings
- Overall Viewer Category Rankings
Tap the crown icon on your Feed or on the broadcast screen to view.

- Viewer Item Rankings for each broadcaster
Can be viewed from the broadcaster’s profile.

Both of the following requirements must be met to be included in these Rankings:
- Must be a US user (agreed to the US Terms of Service).
- Must be a Pure Viewer.
Pure Viewers are viewers whose Rank for the previous day was below C1.
* Even if you were below C1 Rank, you may not be eligible for Pure Viewer status depending on the use of sub-accounts or other factors.

(2) New User Viewer Ranking
- Overall New User Viewer Category Rankings
Tap the crown icon on your Feed or on the broadcast screen to view.
- New Users Item Rankings for each broadcaster
Can be viewed from the broadcaster’s profile.

All of the following requirements must be met to be included in these Rankings:
- Must be a new user with the N symbol.
* Please visit the New Users page for details.
- Must be a US user (agreed to the US Terms of Service).
- Must be a Pure Viewer.
Pure Viewers are viewers whose Rank for the previous day was below C1.

* Even if all requirements are met, users may not be included in Rankings depending on broadcast time, Coin use, or other factors.

(3) Pure Viewer Requirements for Each Ranking Category
RankingPure Viewer Status
DailyOn target day
WeeklyDuring entire target week
MonthlyDuring entire target month
TotalAt the time of posting

* Users who were not Pure Viewers for the entire target period will not be included in Weekly or Monthly Rankings.
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