Change languages in Gyazo - 言語を変更

Change languages in Gyazo - 言語を変更

English and Japanese are the only languages available at this time.

We hope to add more languages with full support in the future. If your language is not availalbe you may consider using Google Translate or you can always contact us and we will do our best to help explain.

The language used on Gyazo pages is set to the default language in your web browser.
We have partial support for German with a small set of pages available.
Wir haben teilweise Unterstützung für Deutsch mit einer kleinen Anzahl von Seiten, die derzeit verfügbar sind.

To change the language in Gyazo
Please go to your settings page, then go to the language section and use the drop-down menu to select your preferred language.

JA: Gyazoで使用する言語を変更するには

日本語のヘルプについては、 も参照してください。
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